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searchBOX favourites

searchBOX exchange logo.

welcome to searchBOXexchange

The searchBOX exchange X logo.

searchBOXexchange is a new free service from textBOX that helps institutions + organisations to source accessibility statements from their third-party vendors + suppliers.

searchBOXexchange features

An icon for the searchBOX exchange newsletter.
An icon of a speech bubble representing submitting ideas to searchBOX.
An icon of 3 right facing arrows representing submitting data.
An echo icon representing searchBOX reach.

Monthly Exchange Newsletter with updates on searchBOX features and milestones + new ASPIRE reviews. You'll also receive lunchBOX, featuring interviews with key advocates in the accessibility space.

Tell us your ideas to improve the searchBOX experience. Exchange members can submit new feature requests + be part of beta testing.

Submit multiple missing vendors or your whole vendor list via spreadsheet + we will upload to the searchBOX directory to help you create your favourites list.

Identify missing accessibility statements + let us know. We will contact the supplier and encourage the creation of an accessibility statement. All new accessibility statements will be included in the searchBOX directory.


searchBOX reach

In the recent ASPIREeducation survey institutions identified "Addressing Third Party Vendors" as the most challenging aspect of writing accessibility statements.


To help resolve this issue we are launching searchBOXreach. Let us know when you find a vendor or supplier with a missing accessibility statement. We will contact the supplier + encourage the creation of an accessibility statement. All new accessibility statements will be included in the searchBOX directory, so you'll be helping the whole community.

sign up for searchBOXexchange

Sign up

Thank you for joining searchBOXexchange.

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