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The ASPIRE project was born out of a crowd-sourced effort to audit the accessibility statements of the key players in the publishing industry. Librarians, publishers and platforms contributed their time and help to the project and ensured its success. We want to ensure that ASPIRE continues to be a collaborative effort so we have created the ASPIREcommunity to provide a forum for the industry.

Icons of multiple figures holding and raising each others hands.


Do you have an experience with a publisher or platform that you would like to share with the ASPIRE team? We will share positive feedback on the ASPIREreview of the publisher or platform and share that good news with the wider community.


Negative feedback? We will discuss any constructive feedback with the publisher or platform directly and help them with correcting any issues. 


ASPIRE is about making a difference within the publishing community and improving the experience of readers. Any information you can provide helps us make that difference.


Get in touch today by clicking your link below...


Do you have a question about ASPIRE? About your ASPIREscore? About improving your ASPIREscore? About the meaning of life? Click the link below and share your question with us and we'll be happy to help. We'll even tell you the meaning of life. It's 42.

ASPIRE stories logo.
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ASPIRE is about telling your story.

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Are you a publisher or platform with a story to tell about your accessibility journey? Let us know and we would be happy to publish your article on our ASPIREstories pages. An ASPIREstory is your opportunity to talk directly to your customers about the work you are doing. If you're an ASPIREverified customer, then get in touch with your story and we'll happily promote the work you are doing.

ASPIRE charity logo.

The accessibility community is a tight-knit and generous group of people. At ASPIRE we want to reflect this good-natured approach by supporting charities focused on improving the reading experience for everyone and also making a difference in other fantastic ways.


To this end we donate 10% of all ASPIREverified accreditation fees to Camara Education.

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